1 - Study case:

We study the current situation, taking into account the location and current devices of the client. We analise the equipment, location, expenses and working times.

2- Business proposal:

We develop a tailor made solution according the client needs and project type.

Proyecto iluminación solar
Proyecto iluminación solar
person using MacBook Pro
person using MacBook Pro

3- Consulting and advice:

After business proposal, we help you to find the best availiable help programs and grants for the project.

Subvenciones iluminación solar
Subvenciones iluminación solar

4- Intallation & Commisioning:

Once you have selected the products we take care of the instalation and commisioniing of the product (Turnkey projects).

Instalación farolas solares
Instalación farolas solares

¿Do you have a project in mind and do not know the best solution?